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Federation Awards 130+ Summer Grants to Jewish Youth

Jewish Federation has awarded more than 130 grants for children and teens to attend Jewish camp and participate in Israel travel programs this summer -- a sound investment in our community's young people and our collective Jewish future.

Nine Things You Didn’t Know About Shavuot

Learn why some synagogues use paper-cuts as decorations, how Israelis celebrate with water, and other lesser-known facts about the springtime holiday of Shavuot -- especially those making the festival great to celebrate with kids.

Shavuot Is a Major Holiday! Really!

It’s a shame that Shavuot has a relatively low profile in the non-Orthodox community, but make no mistake, it's a big-deal. Shavuot has many layers of meaning and ways to celebrate, with something for people of all ages and levels of observance. And then there's cheesecake!


Read the latest updates about humanitarian aid in the Ukraine crisis from Jewish Federations of North America (JFNA).

Assessing the Ukraine Crisis Response

The situation in Ukraine and surrounding countries posed a challenge for donors seeking to help people harmed by the war. We review the role Jewish Federations have played in providing support throughout the crisis.

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