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Connect with Israel

Connecting Jews in the heart of NJ with the land and people of Israel strengthens the Jewish family worldwide. Federation fosters ways to learn about, bond with, and care for Israel that are fascinating, meaningful, and fun – and we're proud to support people of all ages and interests in building bridges with Israel.




2023 Mission to Israel

Celebrate 75 years of Israeli independence IN ISRAEL! Subscribe to receive updates on Jewish Federation's Fall 2023 mission to Israel.


Teen Grants for Israel Travel

Peer trips to Israel connect teens to their Jewish identity, friends, and their own views about Israel. Federation makes Israel Teen Grants available to strengthen these connections and invest in a bright Jewish future. Eligible teens can receive up to $1000 to make the transformative experience of an Israel teen trip more affordable. Watch for this year's summer applications opening soon. 

"Twin" Classroom Connections 

Twinning connects Hebrew School students in the heart of NJ with students in Israel to promote mutual understanding and empathy. Synagogues and schools throughout Monmouth and Greater Middlesex are taking part in the cultural and social exhange program. Contact us to get your school involved. 

Israel Advocacy

Federation is being pro-active in the Israel advocacy arena with our Jewish Community Relations Council (JCRC), which will advocate for issues important to the Jewish community, including but not limited to challenges facing the State of Israel.  


Celebrate Israel

Each year (except recently with COVID), we show our pride and march at the Celebrate Israel parade in New York City with a Heart of NJ cluster.  Click PHOTOS button to see highlights from 2019 and watch for updates about upcoming parades. 

Children's Books
about Israel

PJ Library brings FREE, age-appropriate books with Jewish themes to children age 6-months to 8-years-old, and PJ Our Way brings a more grown-up book club experience to tweens age 9-12. Many titles teach young people about Israel. If you have or know a child up to age 12, make sure they're subscribed to PJ or PJ Our Way.

Axelrod Israel Jewish Film Festival

Federation is a proud sponsor of the Axelrod Performing Arts Center Israel Jewish Film Festival, showcasing Israel’s emergence as a powerhouse in the foreign film industry by spotlighting outstanding new films created by Israeli and/or Jewish filmmakers. These films celebrate the cultural experience of Israeli life and identity and being Jewish, as well as universal topics that appeal to the broader community. Information about this year's film festival will be posted as soon as details become available.


Pop Culture


Israel is much more than politics, history, religion. Israeli pop culture, high-tech innovation, arts, commerce, cuisine, and adventure are setting trends all over the world. Get an insider look at what's hot in Israel today. Those who know are 'uncovering Israel' at the website ISRAEL21c.


Young adults age 18-32 are invited to experience Israel first-hand, on a free, 10-day trip with their peers -- compliments of Birthright Israel and its funders, including Jewish Federation. Birthright bonds young travelers to Israel's people and culture in a way that stays with them forever.

OpenDor Media
(Jerusalem U)

OpenDor Media unpacks and clarifies the often complex issues surrounding Jewish identity, heritage, and Zionism using short, impactful videos for social and mobile generations.  

For educators, professional tools help educators engage and inspire students inside and outside the classroom by combining film and video with lesson materials and experiential activities.
Additionally, award-winning films tell the story of Israel and the Jewish people through the lens of personal experience and testimony. 


Find Local

Israel Events

Learn about Israel, meet Israelis, immerse yourself in Israeli culture at a lecture, concert, film screening, dinner, and more. Check the community calendar for something that suits you. And if you know of an Israel-themed event that's not listed, anyone can submit an event to the calendar. See you there!

Targeted Israel


Jewish Federation cares for the most vulnerable people in Israel by investing in programs providing food, social services, physical, mental, and educational rehabilitation, and more. With our help, teens at risk of addiction, abuse, and mental illness got back on track. Children from the Ethiopian community, who were barely getting by in school, are now star pupils. Observant children as young as 10 became empowered to overcome sexual abuse. 

Write On

For Israel 

This elite education and advocacy training program enables high school students to better process and express complex ideas about Israel before entering college. Sponsored by Federation partner, The Jewish Week Media Group, the two-year program teaches students about Israel through the eyes of respected journalists with a wide range of views about Israel and its modern-day conflicts. Participants gain greater awareness of the pro- and anti-Israel environment, as well as enhanced confidence in speaking about Israel with professors, friends, and detractors.

Meet Some of the People We Help in Israel

The Federation cares for, connects with, and commits to our extended Jewish family in Israel, and responds when their lives are affected in times of crisis.