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To Mask or Not to Mask at High Holiday Services?

Many community members are looking forward to attending in-person High Holiday services this September – mask-free. Others are not ready to stop masking. It can be tough to go against the grain. Mental health professionals weigh in on navigating the stress that comes with the question: to…

Caring Forever and Ever

Federation cares for cemeteries that were maintained by now-defunct synagogues and burial societies.

Stories of Hope Amid the Ukraine Tragedy

Stories of hope and inspiration amid the Ukraine war tragedy reflect the values underlying the work of Jewish Federation and our partners.

Tributes and Memorial Gifts - July 2022

JEWISH FEDERATION N THE HEART OF NEW JERSEY                                                                                  To Cheryl Markbreiter, in her honor, from Kevin and Rose Venezia; to Sarah Cohn and Fam…

What we're thinking about on Tisha B'Av this year

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In a time when there is a modern Jewish state with Jerusalem as the capital, why should we continue to fast and mourn on the 9th of Av (Tisha B’Av)? What is the meaning behind these mourning practices for us today?

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