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Jewish Federations Applaud NJ 2023 Budget

Federation applauds the New Jersey FY23 state budget which provides vital funding to ensure the safety and security of nonprofit and religious institutions and supports our state’s most vulnerable populations.

Federation and Partners Highlight Impact of Ukraine War Response

119 days since war began in Ukraine, millions of Ukrainians, including an estimated 50,000 Jews, have fled. Jewish Federations have been central to the North American Jewish response to this international emergency. Federation and partners report on their impact to date.

180 Ethiopian Immigrants Became Israeli Citizens

180 Ethiopians immigrated to Israel as part of an effort to reunite Ethiopian families after, in many cases, more than a decade of separation.

Blessing One's Parents

If you are looking to add a Jewish spiritual aspect to Mother's Day or Father's Day, the following may serve to inspire you. Often, as children, our parents could do no wrong. As adolescents, our parents could do no right. When we become parents ourselves, we often come to understand why a…

Tributes and Memorial Gifts - May 2022

JEWISH FEDERATION N THE HEART OF NEW JERSEY                                                                                 To Joy and Maurice Zalta, Mazel Tov on the birth of their new grandson, from the Federat…

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