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PR is a Lethal Weapon in Attacks on Israel and Jews

Given the groundswell of antisemitism erupting in connection with the current situation between Hamas and Israel -- including antisemitic incidents moving closer to home in the last 24-hours, these are actions you can take to push back on this hate.

Statement on the Current Situation in Israel

Jewish Federation in the Heart of New Jersey stands in solidarity with our friends and family in Israel as they cope with the current barrage of terrorist attacks. We strongly condemn Hamas and its allies for their terrorist activities against Israeli citizens of all ethnicities. We mourn…

Recent Events in Israel

Recent days have seen significant clashes between Palestinian protestors and Israeli security forces. While the violence has centered on Jerusalem, it has now also spread to other parts of Israel, Gaza, and the West Bank.

Happy Jerusalem Day!

by: Haim Hefer

This Kotel has heard many prayers
This Kotel has seen many walls fall
This Kotel has felt wailing women's hands and notes pressed between its stones
This Kotel has seen Rabbi Yehuda HaLevi trampled in front of it

This Kotel has seen Caesars rising…

Tributes and Memorial Gifts - April 2021

JEWISH FEDERATION N THE HEART OF NEW JERSEY                                                                                  To Cynthia Wolff, Jamie Wolff, Lisa and David Hyman, Adam and Angela Wolff, in fond memo…

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