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Let's Talk Turkey This Thanksgiving

Whether you actually eat turkey on Thanksgiving, "talking turkey" -- speaking directly and honestly -- can help you and your fellow gatherers have a more meaningful holiday. These questions will get you started.

Do Good & Get a Tax Break

You can do good for Jews in need and make Jewish life stronger while SAVING ON TAXES if you make your 2021 gift to Jewish Federation in the Heart of New Jersey before December 31.

Tributes and Memorial Gifts - October 2021

JEWISH FEDERATION N THE HEART OF NEW JERSEY                                                                                  To Thelma Zalewitz, in memory of Evan Freiberg, from Susan Antman; to Linda Korman Spi…

Volunteering Strengthens the Community from Within

In the early days of the COVID pandemic, volunteering across the US dropped by some 90%. However, as anyone who followed news reports knows, the needs filled by the volunteers did not diminish. If anything, they intensified. In part to help fill the void, and in part to bring attention to…

Tributes and Memorial Gifts - September 2021

JEWISH FEDERATION N THE HEART OF NEW JERSEY                                                                                  To Joan Karasick, in memory of Marty Karasick, from Jerry and Estelle Katcher; to Bonnie…

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