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Mother and Daughter Thank Us for COVID-19 Emergency Aid

A single mom who has been working with the Jewish Family Service of Middlesex County (JFS) Women's Center was the recipient of a generous donation from Jewish Federation in the Heart of New Jersey's COVID-19 Relief Fund. This enabled "Ms. B" to pay the rent she owed since becoming unemployed due to the pandemic. In a letter to thanks, Ms. B said: 

"Making the decision to start a new life and raise my daughter on my own wasn’t an easy one. I won’t lie, I had days I wanted to give up, the fight was too hard and the weight on my shoulders was too heavy. I want you to hear from me that I couldn't be more THANKFUL!! I know our children feel our pain even when we try our best to hide it. You have relieved so much of my feeling overwhelmed with my situation from COVID-19 effects financially. I'm now overwhelmed with feeling thankful!"

Jewish Federation in the Heart of New Jersey's COVID-19 Emergency Relief Fund provides donations to families in need while they work to overcome pandemic-related challenges.

JFS said it is proud to partner with Jewish Federation to empower our community through this fund and other valuable services.